Just as the name suggests, teeth whitening is the process of making your teeth brighter, mostly through bleaching treatments. It cannot make teeth snow-white but it can actually help improve the color by several shades. Teeth staining and discoloration are inevitable and are caused by foods and drinks, smoking, and the natural aging process. While the shade or color of your teeth is not always a reason for concern, it has been shown that it can affect your confidence levels. Many people, therefore, get teeth whitening in Huntington, NY just to feel good about themselves.
A study conducted in 2015 by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry reported that Teeth Whitening is the most sought-after cosmetic dental procedure. The procedure is an effective and safe way to improve your smile, only if the right technique is applied. Using the wrong method could lead to serious and permanent damage such as tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, brittle and weak teeth, etching teeth, and even loss of productive enamel.
You can either choose to have your teeth whitened with our professional dentist or at home using DIY kits and over-the-counter products. While it is possible to safely whiten your teeth at home, we always recommend in-office treatment from our cosmetic dentist near you.
This is the most recommended way for you to whiten your teeth. The procedure is performed under the supervision of our teeth bleaching dentist or hygienist to ensure safety.
There are three options when it comes to professional treatments which include in-office bleaching, custom-trays whitening, and a combination of both in-office bleaching and at-home custom whitening trays:
In-office bleaching is known to deliver the quickest results. It may take one or more appointments to complete but this will depend on your specific needs. A highly concentrated whitening agent is applied to the teeth and left to sit for 15 to 30 minutes before being removed. In-office teeth bleaching treatments include chairside bleaching which uses a syringe to apply the bleaching agent. Then there is the use of the bleaching agent alongside high-intensity lights like LED, UV, or halogen which are applied using a special lamp or a laser device.
Another professional option is the use of custom whitening trays. Using an impression of your teeth, our dentist in Huntington prepares for you a set of custom trays to take home. You will then be provided with a bleaching agent such as carbamide peroxide in form of a gel to place in the trays before wearing them. You will be required to use the trays and gel for a couple of hours every day for a few weeks to gain results.
In some cases, our dentist may suggest that you get both in-office treatments and still get the custom trays to use at home.
While professional teeth whitening promises to be effective at brightening your smile. It is not short of risks and side effects. At Smile Huntington, our team is well trained and experienced to ensure you get the best results from your teeth bleaching treatment. You can book an appointment with us here for your teeth whitening treatment.