What is Sleep Apnea: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

What is Sleep Apnea: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Options

May 01, 2023

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea disorder occurs when your breathing is interrupted during sleep, and it can cause various health problems, including daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and even heart disease. Sleep apnea can lead to problems like diabetes and chronic fatigue if left untreated. Getting sleep apnea treatment near you is crucial to address the issue before it causes complications.

What are the Major Causes of Sleep Apnea?

Several causes can cause Sleep apnea:

a) Obesity

Obesity causes enlarged tissues in the mouth and throat that can block airflow and interfere with breathing during sleep. It also increases the pressure in the lower part of the stomach, which can push the esophagus backward into the throat. This can cause snoring. Over time, snoring can result in chronic sleep apnea.

b) Tonsils or Adenoids

Tonsils and adenoids are round lumps of lymph tissue that help protect the body from infections. They are high in the throat behind the nose and roof of the mouth.

Infected or enlarged tonsils and adenoids can cause snoring, breathing at night, and other problems. When these symptoms are not treated, they can lead to sleep apnea.

c) Head and Neck Disorders

Head and neck disorders can also contribute to the development of sleep apnea, as they can lead to airway obstruction and other breathing problems.

What are the Signs & Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Some signs & symptoms can help you understand whether or not you may have this disorder:

  • Snoring: This can come and go at night and be loud enough to disturb your sleeping partner.
  • Daytime Fatigue: People with sleep apnea often feel sluggish and tired throughout the day. This can affect your ability to concentrate, think clearly, and remember information.
  • Unusual Breathing Patterns: These breathing pauses occur in short, irregular cycles, sometimes only seconds. These apneic episodes can sometimes last up to 10 minutes each, enough time to impact your sleep and cause serious health problems.

If you’re diagnosed with sleep apnea, our dentist in Huntington, NY suggests getting sleep apnea treatment near you.

What are the Treatment Options For Sleep Apnea?

Our sleep apnea dentist at 11743 will evaluate your symptoms to determine your type of apnea. They will ask about your family history and other risk factors for sleep apnea. Some of the treatments for sleep apnea include:


Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is often treated with positive airway pressure. This involves using a mask that covers your nose and blows air into your airways to keep them open during sleep. This treatment is usually the first line of treatment for OSA, but research suggests it’s also effective for people with milder forms of the disease.

2) Lifestyle Changes

Sleep apnea can also be treated with weight loss and exercise. Losing at least 10% of your body weight can significantly improve symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea for people who are overweight or obese.

Other treatment options for obstructive sleep apnea involve stopping smoking or treating nasal allergies. They’re typically only recommended for mild cases of the disease but may be necessary for some more severe ones.

3) Oral Appliance

Oral Appliances are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to sleep apnea and snoring treatments. An oral appliance is a small device that fits in the mouth and works by changing the position of the tongue, jaw, and soft tissues to prevent airway obstruction. Oral appliances can be custom-made to fit the individual’s mouth and easily inserted and removed.

4) Mandibular Advancement Device (MAD)

Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs) are oral appliances that treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. They are custom-made devices that fit over the teeth and move the lower jaw forward. This helps to keep the airway open while sleeping, allowing for better airflow and more restful sleep. MADs are an effective, non-invasive treatment option and can be used alone or alongside other treatments, such as CPAP machines.

5) Surgery

Medically supervised surgery is often the most effective treatment for sleep apnea and the most effective way to control the condition. If you suffer from sleep apnea, seeking treatment to improve your quality of life is important. Surgery is an effective treatment for sleep apnea and the most effective way to control the condition.

Get Sleep Apnea Treatment Near You

Finding the right treatment option for you should involve working closely with your doctor to determine what is best for your individual needs. You can improve your quality of life and get restful sleep with the right treatment. Contact Smile Huntington for more information about getting sleep apnea treatment in Huntington, NY!

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